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One person's gaming journey, one month at a time. BLOG ENTRIES ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION


Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hypocracy - A necessary Part of our Modern Society

Blatant hypocracy is just rife in the gaming industry, but not so much from the developers. More so from the media and and the ratings board.

My first example is related to Mark Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure. This game was banned in Australia because it promoted tagging. As far as I knew, tagging, while unappealling to some people and an illegal act, does not hurt or harm others. Where as a game like San Andreas, taken in the same context, promotes killing people. While I don't believe there should be this form of censorship and there definitely should be an 'R' rated category for gaming in Australia, by their very own logic shouldn't they ban games that promote other forms of illegal acts such as killing people? Doesn't this just make the censorship system a joke.

The other thing that caught my attention this morning is not so much related to gaming, but to a the new Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift movie. People believe that this movie will encourage and promote youths to try drift racing. Well, if people are so influenced by the movies they see why aren't they more concerned about people killing other people in movies. Doesn't this then promote people to resort to violence as a means to solve their problems? Isn't this more of a concern to those people who make these censorship decisions? Another part of the story which bugged me was that the uninformed journalists were making out that drift racing was a new style of racing. They obviously didn't know what they were talking about. Drift racing has been huge in Japan for quite some time. Just because Hollywood picks up on the concept doesn't mean that Hollywood invented it. That really pisses me off. Just because it is made in to a Hollywood movie they take credit for it.

Anyway, it would be nice if the Review Board were, in some way, consistant. (Please note: I am also a big fan of San Andreas. Another note of hypocracy comes from the GTA series. Vice City was banned in Australia because you could have sex with a prostitute in the back of a car and then kill her. Rockstar had to release a version in Australia which would not allow you to do this. However, in San Andreas you can do exactly the same thing and the game was never banned for that reason. It was, of course, banned for other reasons.)


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