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Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Is Star Wars Finished?

I'm sure you've heard that there will be another Lego Star Wars game released. This one will follow the original trilogy. It is just another game milking the Star Wars franchise for all it can get. Don't get me wrong the first Lego Star Wars was an excellent game for kids. However, how much can George Lucas get out of the Star Wars name before people become sick of hearing it? Of course, the die hard Star Wars fans will never get sick of it. You know those people. The ones who dress up in the costumes to go to the movies. The forty year olds who still play with their star wars figurines. Those strange and lonely people who take the movie trilogy a little too seriously. Just like those very strange Star Trek fans who do the same thing (refer to Trekkies, a very funny documentary about Star Trek fans who go to the extreme). Maybe this fanaticism has something to do with movies who have the word Star in their name.

What more could they possibly do for this franchise which would give it some new life? There have been so many star wars games released (most of which are very average) and some which are extremely good. Tie Fighter was one of the best Star Wars games released a long time ago, ina galaxy far, far away. Knights of the Old Republic brought some respectibility to the franchise. However, Empire at War and the Ben Kenobi game on the Xbox were just not up there.

George Lucas was the man who invented modern merchandising as a means to increase revenue for a movie sale. Since the release of Star Wars there has been new merchandise released nearly every year to "celebrate" the movie trilogy. At what point in time are consumers going to become sick of all the junk that is released. Cause really, most of it is just junk (but if you have collected it from its original release and still have it in its original packaging it is very valuable junk). At what point in time does George Lucas think that his product has reached market saturation? I couldn't be bothered buying another Star Wars games and as far as I am concerned Episode I & II were just trash. The only movie which brought some credibility to the new trilogy was Episode III.

What "new" ideas can they attached to the Star Wars concept to create a "new" product? We've got Lego Star Wars. Why not try "Star Wars Smurfs". Or, a build your own Star Wars city game like Sim City, or Sim Canteena. What about Star Wars Vs Aliens Vs Predator. That way you could tie in three movie franchises in the one game. We have seen Star Wars movie tie in games, Sims, RPGs, Adventure, MMOs, RTSs. What new things could they bring to this franchise which would make people say, "Oh, I've really missed Star Wars. Let me go out and buy that game."


  • At 2:35 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    rogue squadron 3 only came out 2003, proberly the best last star wars game
    I think there far from dead, just the last few years they have been releasing cheap budget games

  • At 2:36 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    rogue squadron 3 only came out late 2003, proberly the best last star wars game
    I think there far from dead..

  • At 5:46 pm, Blogger thecynicalgamer said…

    I guess, what I am saying is that they are killing the franchise with a lot of poor quality games. Rather than creating a few good quality games.

    Ultimately, people are going to get sick of the Star Wars universe.

    You can have way too much of a good thing.


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