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Monday, July 24, 2006

Microsoft Handheld Coming Zune

Microsoft is set to release a new handheld (I'd better be careful, this sounds like a euphemism for masturbation, not that any microsoft product has ever been wanky). In a press release it is alleged Microsoft have said that the new handheld, codenamed Zune, will not not be a gaming console. They are hoping that the use of the double negative will confuse their competition in to not not knowing whether it will be a gaming console or not not. This is what Microsoft had to say about the product, "While we do not [not] have specific details to provide, the primary focus of the Zune is to deliver great music and entertainment experiences." Gaming, obviously, not counting as entertainment in this instance.

On another note, what is the deal with Microsoft codenames? The Zune. Who has the job of working these names out cause this is just as bad as Longhorn (and now that I point it out there is another potential penis metaphor there). Surely they could have come up with a better code name for the project. How about: "F*CK I'm Good I'm A Microsoft Product" (FIGIAMP), or, "We Borrowed Someone Else Source Code To Make This" (WBSESCTMT). How about just calling it an MP3 Player? Surely some marketing genius didn't come up with the name Zune, cause if they did I would be sacking them. I'm sure we will all know what is happening with this new device which is not not a gaming console zooner or later.


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