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Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Online Concerts (Yeah), Featuring Duran Duran (DOH)

I never thought I would have to write something about Duran Duran, not because they are not my type of 80s band (although I understand they have recorded past the eighties), but just because I think they are crap. It seems that Duran Duran are still not opposed to trying new things and, as such, they will be involved in an online concert on a virtual island in the online role playing game Second Life.

While they may not be the first to do this they are trying to create a lot of publicity for the concert. I will say that I won't be signing up for second life just to hear Duran Duran play. An online concert just doesn't hold any appeal for me. What kind of atmosphere will they create with a virtual mosh pit? It just wouldn't be the same. There would be no chance of injuries. No one passing out from heat exhaustion. No body surfing. And what would be the point of having a mosh pit for a Duran Duran concert anyway? People won't start slam dancing when they boys break out a classic synthesizer riff. And if people did I would be a little concerned. What is going to differ this experience from listening to a live song on mp3? Not much really.

I don't know how this concept will take off. Online, simulated experiences more often than not don't match up to the real thing. If it did there would be more people having online sex rather doing the real thing. This domain still seems to be dominated by the strange and lonely people who currently inhabit chat rooms.

What is this but nothing more than a means to promote an online role playing game which doesn't have much market share. There is a growing base of these community based online role playing games. To me it is like playing the sims (which I don't do).


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