Busy Busy Busy
As for the most over-hyped game release of the year it would have to be Prey. This is one of the most disappointing games I have played. The demo promised so much and the game itself delivered so little. The puzzles were mundane. The implementation of the anti-gravity walking was under utilized and there was hardly any worthwhile combat in the game. In fact, the combat is so sparse and spread out between walking through areas I would hardly call this game a shooter. The story in this game is so cliched that I cannot believe that 10 years of game development supposedly went in to the games creation. The fact that you really can't die in the game makes the whole notion of playing it a relative farce. If this game is the best shooter that we have on offer at the moment then I would say that the gaming industry is really not delivering very much. This game should never have been released as a primary title.
One game that I have bought recently and I thoroughly enjoy playing is Flat Out 2. I loved the first Flat Out and I bought the sequel with no hesitation and I have not been disappointed. While I do like racing sims in general I will play the occasional arcade type racing game. The destructible environments, cars and demolition derby style of racing is something which appeals to the infant in me. Being able to smash cars as you go is excellent and the environments in this game are top notch. The racing itself is well implemented and the tracks are always interesting. Combined with three different levels of racing series and a number of mini games. Being able to throw the driver of your vehicle through a number of burning hoops or into a dart board always appeals to the masochist in me. Needless to say the rag doll physics is very well implemented and worth a look.
Hopefully, I'll be able to add some more to Cynical Gamer in the coming weeks. It's not that work has slowed down (it hasn't), but I am trying to allocate more time to this site (and maybe less time to Poker. lol. maybe not).
At 5:11 pm,
Anonymous said…
Two things I am also enjoying at the moment also. I have been playing flatout 2 on xbox, it's much better than the first one from a single player perspective. The tracks are well designed and the AI isn't half bad either. I'm also trying to get into texas hold'em more. I just need to renovate my bar room and then the regular poker nights will be set in motion. The local pubs have started to offer free poker nights. I might have to go along soon. Good to see you back CG!
At 7:42 am,
Anonymous said…
yeah texas poker, been playing that alot over the past couple of months in the APL league. good fun.
At 2:33 pm,
thecynicalgamer said…
Flat out is so addictive too. I like the crashing system which they have implemented in the second one where you get dollars for crashing in to other vehicles. It makes you think while you are driving whether winning the race is more important than cashing in quickly on smashing in to another car.
I think this game will definitely get a Cynical Gamer review soon. lol
Poker. Poker Poker. I'm playing poker nearly every day. It has some sad addictive qualities which I can't put my finger on. Have been playing in the Australian Poker League with Bash. At the moment I am playing 3 nights a week (I know, the sadness of it).
At 9:52 am,
Anonymous said…
Well you've convinced me CG. I'm going to go to my first Australian Poker League (APL) event next Wednesday. I would go tonight but I have two rounds of the current AAL league to finish off. So I'll start going once fortnightly and if I enjoy it I'll step up to weekly and drop out of racing in AAL.
At 11:12 am,
thecynicalgamer said…
Awesome. Hope you enjoy it. We haven't played in the AAL so I cannot make a comparison, but the APL is big. They have over 100,000 registrations. The current season is due to finish down here at the end of next week. Then there is no break cause the following season starts the week after.
On Tuesday night a guy at my table cleaned up with a full house, two sets of trips and another full house all in consecutive hands. His last full house took me out. I couldn't believe his luck. That is poker anyway.
Good luck Threeps.
At 12:17 pm,
Anonymous said…
When I mentioned AAL, it wasn't poker. It is the Australasian League. More LFS racing stuff, it's just that it happens to fall on every second Wednesday and I think I'm going to have to go for one or the other.
At 1:13 pm,
thecynicalgamer said…
I thought you were talking about another Poker league. lol
Theres the Australian Pub League and some other Australian Poker League as well. It all becomes very confusing. Bash and I may be playing tonight. See how we go.
At 11:54 pm,
Anonymous said…
I've played each Wednesday for the last two weeks (poker that is). First week, I bombed out without winning a hand, which I was dissappointed with but it was understandable as it was my first time. The second week (tonight) I got through to the final 8 out of 62 starters. Finished 6th with an unlucky river card but I had a ball. I think I'm hooked now, the AAL has got no chance competing with poker. :)
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