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Sunday, February 25, 2007

TMNT Demo: Initial Impressions

This demo is short. Way too short. How can anyone make a decision about whether to purchase a game based on a five second play test. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been around for a while, I wonder whether they have passed their prime. They have undergone a number of incarnations including several different video games. Are people really still interested in this franchise?

TMNT were so popular at one stage that they even created a pen and paper role playing game based on the popular comics.

In the demo you spend most of your time running and jumping over a number of boxes and whatnot on a roof top. Then you get the opportunity to fight some of Shredder's evil henchmen. That's about it. While you only play one turtle you can get the other turtles to help, however, I found that they only seemed to hurt me. Definitely a game you want to play with a control pad. Keyboard is not a very good control system for this game and all that you can basically use in the demo.

Anyway, if you are still 12 and in to TMNT then get the game. I am sure everyone else can find something better to spend their money on.


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