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Sunday, April 15, 2007

Bethesda Shivering Patch

How could Bethesda release the official expansion for Oblivion without picking up on a major bug which made the game unplayable for some PC gamers? Surely, they spent the time and due diligence to test the Shivering Isles expansion on a number of different rigs prior to the expansions release? Of course, with the millions, if not billions, of potential configuration type with custom PCs with different brands of graphics cards, motherboards, RAM, and all the different types of software configurations, it is not possible to stress test the software for all PC users. However, how did such a major glitch slip through the tight nets at Bethesda?

Of course, considering C&C 3: Tiberium Wars has issued four patches in the first two weeks of the game's release we shouldn't be surprised that something major can slip through the pre-release testing nets of a major software developer. However, isn't this an endemic in the gaming community which is about to turn in to a fully fledged pandemic? Shouldn't gamers, at this point in time, be saying that enough is enough. Considering the amount of money we pay to purchase a video game and the required equipment to play them shouldn't the games be in a better state than barely playable on release?

So, what has happened is that Shivering Isles has been patched within two weeks of release. This seems to be the norm now.

On a side note, I like the cover art for Shivering Isles. Reminds me of Chronicles of Riddick movie. Nice little reference.


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