GTA IV would have to be one of the most anticipated games coming out this year. It seems like just yesterday that GTA: San Andreas was released. One of the things which has caused a lot of conern about the new game is how big the map will be. San Andreas pushed the boundaries in the sheer size of the playable map. Now that it has been revealed that GTA IV is set in a single part of Liberty City that it will not be very large. Well, some one with too much spare time on their hands has put together this. They have outlayed the landmarks of the GTA IV trailer along with the descriptions from Rockstar about the different burroughs and come up with this. A working map of GTA IV based on the city of New York. CLICK HERE FOR MAP.
It is huge.
If this is the playable area then I am pretty amazed. While I don't think it is quite as big as San Andreas this is virtually a completely populated city we are talking about. San Andreas was three small cities divided by a lot of open areas. This is one large city. Amazing.
All of this just makes October seem a lot further away. I can't wait for this game to be released. It is soon going to eclipse Bioshock as my most anticipated game this year.
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