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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Grand Theft Auto IV: Liberty City Taxi Cab Confessions

Ever heard of that show Taxi Cab Confessions? It's the one where they have a secret camera set up in a taxi and some people come in to the cab and they talk about stuff. Notice how they only show the shady people. The prostitutes, the drug dealers. Those types of people. Well, how would this work given a GTA IV setting? How would it work if Dan Houser of Rockstar was one of the travellers?

My name is Luka. I have been driving a cab for a while. Well, ever since moving to Liberty City anyway. People who drive taxis aren't the type of people who have a great deal of choice in their lives. We are more survivors. We provide an essential service and aren't really paid very well for that service.

I recently moved from Vice City. My cousin, Tommy Vercetti, used to be someone there. A real mover-and-a-shaker in the eighties. Unfortunately, his lifestyle choice caught up with him. This can happen when you decide to push the boundaries. That's what he was doing. He wasn't prepared to sit down and wait while life happened to him. He was going to make life happen. He started with nothing after having done a little time. He ended up with everything. Women. Cars. Mansions. Yeah, he had more than one. And yet the government pull him aside and send him to jail for not paying his taxes.

In Vice City, I worked for one of Tommy's taxi cab companies. When the IRS came in and tore up Tommy's business ventures, I suddenly had no place to work. I had always wanted to travel and decided that now was as good a time as any to finally do that. Liberty City was on my list of places to see and that is why I headed out this way. That's when I found myself in the Burroughs.

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