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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Endangered Species: The Cockosaurus

It doesn't take much for us, as a species, to be reduced to the most puerile level. Which does a lot to explain why dick and fart jokes are so funny, and let's face it, they are. As witnessed by this screen shot the yet to be released Spore has already seen a number of monsters created who have extremely large cocks. The cockosaurus, penis monster, peenisaurus, penis man to name just a few.

The Spore Creature Creator demo was leaked early and, as a result we are seeing well endowed creatures popping up all over the internet. Don't think that it is just our "modern" world which has this fascination with all things cock related. The ancient romans were also obsessed with the penis. Penises would feature on signs in public places, on trinkets, and other places in the ancient Roman world. We are not really innovators when it comes to fascination with genitalia.

The question that gamers should be asking is are these creatures compensating for something?


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