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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Bioware "We Make You Want To Buy Games"

It's not very often that you hear logical, down-to-earth, statements from developers. Usually, they are promising too much, delivering too little and busy making shorter games for the casual gaming market. MTV Multiplayer have a brief statement from the CEO of Bioware on how they plan to beat piracy. Surely, you are thinking to yourself, excellent. "I am going to have to log on to the internet every five minutes to make sure that the game doesn't deactivate itself, otherwise they will program a self destruction circuit in to my computer so that they can ensure that I don't play a pirated game," but this is untrue.

Ray Muzyka, BioWare CEO, has stated that they want to create games that people want to play with downloadable content and multiplayer. If players feel there is value for money in what they are purchasing then they won't want to pirate the game. Finally, someone in the gaming industry who is not focussed on creating some form of nefarious copy protection options to protect their product. Rather, they want to make good product, that's a first for our neoCorporate ways.

Here is the full statement from the Ray Muzyka:
“We’re doing a lot of post-release downloadable content on all of our PC titles going forward ... We think it’s a good thing to encourage players to make them want to buy a PC title. That’s ultimately the best, most successful path to prevent piracy — to have players that want your games, want to believe in them and think they’re high-quality and realize they’re going to get a lot of value out of them as platforms for long time afterwards.”

So, it seems that not all developers are focussed on ridiculous copy protection type options that force you to connect to the internet or sign your soul away to the devil in order to play the game.


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