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Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Do My Boobs Look Big In These?

It's good to see that gaming doesn't promote any negative stereotypes in women. I mean, when all the women in gaming look so hot what are the negatives? As this character pictured from Soul Caliber 4 shows women in gaming are voluptuous and sexy (in a dangerous kind of way). In fact, all of the women portrayed in gaming are hot. Lara Croft's boobs have managed to get bigger with every Tomb Raider release. This shows women to be confident and beautiful in a surgically enhanced kind of way. Surely, this does not highlight the truly superficial nature of gamers. This just shows that geeks need the loving of a hot voluptuous woman too (even if it is in their imagination). There's no burning of any bras in gaming because, quite frankly, women portrayed in games don't wear them.

Obviously, the images which are used to promote games say a great deal about how they are marketed and who they are marketed to. These images appeal to the target audience who are going to play games such as Soul Caliber 4. I am guessing that it is not aimed at the female market. Considering the game has adopted Darth Vader and Yoda as characters this gives you a fairly clear idea as to who the game is aimed at.

Women in games tend to be stereotypically beautiful with massive tits and perfect bodies. Games such as Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball do this unashamedly. Funnily enough, such a game is not so much about the volleyball as it is about buying clothing for your character. What self respecting bloke would admit to buying that game to start with and talk to their mates about accessorizing clothing with their characters?

If gamers were presented with more realistic impressions of women in games would they sell any less? Or are we so taken by our superficialities that we need these things in the mass media to reassure ourselves that maybe we to can buy our way to happiness?


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