It is true, Geometry Wars 2 gives the Kanye West song 'Flashing Lights' meaning. It is as if this song was written just for this game. The most disappointing thing about this release is that they could not license the song for the game. It would have been the perfect sound track to the madness that is Geometry Wars 2. This is also the game that makes the epilepsy warnings associated with video games relevant. However, these things are by the by because there have been some fundamental changes made to the game.
Firstly, there is the return of some of the main characters from the original retro re-release. Flashing diamond, spinning star and circle vortex have all made a return in the sequel. This will keep the fans entertained. Yet, there is still no story associated with the game so I am completely unsure of the motivation behind my own destruction from these malevolent geometrical shapes.
There has also been the addition of multiplayer to the sequel. The developers have also turned the game in to a number of mini games. While you can play the "evolved" mode (there is no real concern that the evolution of this game will result in machines ruling the earth or bipedal man standing upright) you can also play: King, Deadline, Pacifism, Waves and Sequence. The evolution appears to be that the developers believe that the game should be played in nightclubs. There is definitely a nightclub feel to the game with the sound track sounding more like duf-duf than a solid game sound track. Having said that, why don't Microsoft send around a sugar-plum fairy to deal up some E with every game purchased. I can imagine that all of the bright colours in the game could provide for more than just gaming related entertainment for those more involved in getting their kicks from chemical stimulation rather than the more mainstream. Maybe the developers got up and had a good dance with their friends after they played Geometry Wars 2.
The game modes are well balanced and those of us who loved playing the first game but were not too good at it (such as myself) will find the achievements in this one a bit more achievable.
Besides all of that the gameplay is basically unchanged. So, if you preferred your epilipsy served with some dance music and multiplayer to boot then Geometry Wars 2 is for you.