When A Video Game Becomes A Movie

Otherwise there are a score of releases which are not really worth seeing. Doom was a terrible adaptation of the game (and something which could have offered a whole more). America's confusion over religion and portraying religion (especially Christianity) in any form of popular medium meant that the whole subplot to Doom (inwhich people opened a portal to hell) was scrapped. The Doom movie was recommended to me by some gamer friends who said, "If you loved the game you will love the film." And I watched it thinking well, I loved the game this film will be good. Only to be completely disappointed by what Hollywood had done to the game. First of all they killed of Sarge. This was in complete contradiction to the game. Sarge was and is the hero of the game. As for Mario Brothers movie, Mortal Kombat, Dead or Alive, and others I will probably never waste my money to go and see. They are nothing but money earning devices created to milk hard earned dollars from die hard fans rather than provide something unique and interesting which adds something to the franchise.
A game (which was created from a film) which breaks the mold was Chronicles of Riddick. Riddick is an interesting beast and I believe that the success of this franchise is driven by Vin Diesels fascination with the character. Vin Diesel (apparently a hard core gamer) has taken specific interest in making sure that Riddick is a successful franchise. Where the game picks up with a different part of the Riddick mythology and successfully blends beat em up, stealth, and first person shooter with an excellent gaming engine. I am a fan of the movie and the games in the Riddick franchise.
It is in these instances when you are left asking, "What will they do next with this?" You are left wanting more rather than thinking about the empty space in your wallet. Until actual fans of the games are behind the creation of the hollywood tie ins then we are probably going to be left with a lot more superficial offerings on celuloid of our favourite video games. Unfortunately, the success of a film is not judge on how good it is but how much money it makes. With a ready fan based prepared to pay money to see second rate movie tie ins of games then I don't think the trend of quality over quantity will change very quickly.
At 5:59 pm,
Anonymous said…
There's a whole range of games they can still use to rip us gamers off.
Frogger, 1942, bombjack, Wonderboy or Ghosts and Goblins. They could all make excellent movies. The only drawback would be you'd have to put another 20 cent piece in every three minutes.
On a totally off topic subject. Have you seen the innovation Nintendo have come up with for the Wii. This is the first time I have ever pre-ordered a console before release. The features and the controller for this console has gotten me more excited about a console since the original Playstation came out. A big thumbs up to Nintendo. Another thumbs up for releasing it at a price that Mum's and Dad's can afford to pick one up on release day. Sorry for the off topic rant.
At 1:01 pm,
thecynicalgamer said…
That's alright. All off topic rants are appreciated (as long as they are not abusive). 1942 has already been made in to a movie (the irony is that it was made before the game was released) with James Belushi.
The first time I saw the Wii controller I was disappointed. They hadn't promoted what it could do and it looked like a remote control. Then after a couple of months Nintendo decided to let people know what the controller could actually do and I was surprised. It looks excellent and will add a new dimension to gaming. Although Nintendo are somewhat unorthadox when compared to the other two big console manufacturers I hope that they have more success with some of the innovation behind the Wii which they didn't achieve with the gamecube. It just depends on how well they implement the controller with the games. Hopefully it won't just be a novelty and will push gaming to a new level. Only time will tell.
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