Sony Struggles

It has been alleged that Kutaragi allowed the development costs of the PS3 to blow out. It has been alleged that Kutaragi's slowness in negotiation has cost Sony some key exclusive titles such as GTA IV and Assassin's Creed. Kuturagi pushed for a price drop of the 20gig version of the console to help in its market position, however, the apparent price drop has been hurting Sony as well.
Sony has been moving Kutaragi away from the day-to-day functioning of the business. He is now meant to be responsible for developing next-gen games titles. Given that the next-gen is now the current generation, with the completed release of all 3 major consoles, does that mean that he is developing game titles for the next console due for release after the PS3? Maybe, he is working on his own brand of managment simulation game. The game could be called Sony. The player could take on the day to day management of a large multinational company which was once a powerhouse but is falling to its competition. The idea of the game is to make the company a success while dodging all of the negative publicity it is receiving but maybe that will be mission impossible?
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