EB Games 2nd Hand Rip Off

Who in their right mind pays these prices for 2nd hand games? That is just about retail extortion. Considering EB would probably give a consumer a $30 trade in on a game such as Saints Row they will then put a further 250% mark up on the second hand item. Saints Row has been on the shelves for nearly six months. How can they justify that kind of price on a 2nd hand game. The markup on the item is more than they would make on a brand new release (of which the margin is approx. 25%).
No wonder the video game industry is a little bit pissed off at the second hand games market. But I don't think they should be as pissed off as consumers who would be forced to pay that price for someone elses 2nd hand goods. Of course, EB promote the 2nd hand culture with their 7 day money back guarantee.
The only time to buy games at EB is when they have a sale on. I managed to purchase Saints Row at EB for less than half price when they had their post Christmas sale on. I was completely surprised to see that after the sale the price of the game had gone back up. I did ask the sales member why the price was so high? He said that demand had created the high price in 2nd hand games. I think he should have said, "Da man" made the high price on 2nd hand games. So that he can line his pockets.
At 4:54 pm,
Anonymous said…
I shop at EB Games at lest Once a Month or i give them my used games so thay can put credit on a EB Edge CARD .....!!
A WEek ago i brought in 4 or 5 games That i pade full price for ..Thay where all over 10 dollors ..Thay gave me no less then 3 dollors for them what the fu@K Is that Like come on .. yeah you have to make The money but you ripping ppl off .?. while i was in there this younger boy walk in to EB GAMES .. Ask What Wouled be the trade on My harry potter game For Xbox 360 .. $8 Dollors ..
That kid lookes at his game and toled the guy behind the countor hell no i pade 60 dollors for this game
What i'm trying to get at is i also beleave Eb GAMES IS A RIP OFF
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