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Saturday, May 26, 2007

Halo Developers Get What's Coming

There are times when I think that game developers cop a lot of bad press. That some of the opponents of the gaming industry, unfairly are heard too often with grievances which are predominantly manufactured and hyped up to capture a five minute sound byte on the nightly news. In fact, there are not just times when this happens but I feel like this most of the time.

Then something happens and I think "how stupid are you people?" Reports that the Vista release of Halo 2 have been delayed because the developers left some partial nudity in the game is just ridiculous. How old are some of the developers? What do they gather around a monitor while they beta test their game and then giggle to themselves because they see a penis? Or, did they just want to see how well the Master Chief fitted in to his body armour?

Just when I think that the gaming industry deserves a good break and some positive press some moronic developers bring this on themselves. What are non gamers going to think about this? Especially those in the hard core right wing that are opponents of gaming in the US?

While the supposed content in question is regarding a bare bum you really have to ask "why?" It is just crap like this which will spur gamings opponents in to action. They don't need any excuse really to paint the gaming industry as one run by miscreants. Nice one Bungie.

Graphic courtesy of Kotaku.


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