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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Wear Your Undies On The Outside Of Your Pants: PC Gaming Alliance

Obviously there are a few industry types who think that PC Gaming might be in a bit of trouble. So much so that they have formed the PC Gaming Alliance. You would be mistaken in thinking that this might be the type of place that allows lycra body suits, capes and the wearing of undies on the outside of your pants. Although, maybe this is going to become the Halls of Justice for PC Gaming.

A press release from the group states:
"Global leaders of the PC gaming industry [Microsoft, Activision, Acer, AMD, Dell/Alienware, Epic Games, Intel, NVIDIA, Razer are all members] announced today the formation of the PC Gaming Alliance, a non-profit organization that unites hardware and software creators, game developers and publishers, and others committed to the PC gaming market with the common purpose of advancing the PC as a worldwide gaming platform."
It is interesting to note that not just software developers are pioneering the "Death of PC" cause. Hardware manufacturers with a vested interest in the industry are represented as well. Their press release states that PC Gaming is "one of the fastest-growing segments of the interactive entertainment market" which doesn't seem to agree with the declining figures of PC Game sales. One of their concerns is to make sure that there is accurate reporting from gaming industry journalists. Well, if PC Gaming is doing so well then why do they need to form this group to promote it?

With reports that PC Games only made up 14% of retail sales in the US (not including digital distribution statistics from the NPD group) then it would be fair to say that this market segment needs to grow or die. In reality, I don't think that PC Gaming will ever die. PC Gaming has out lasted every single console. The backwards compatibility with PC Gaming is far superior to any console on the market providing the PC with a massive gaming catalogue. With the similarities in platform between the PC and the Xbox 360 porting between the two is a commercial reality (if you know what you are doing ... so don't ask me).

If you would like to check out the PC Gaming Alliance Halls of Justice then just click on the link.


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