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Thursday, June 19, 2008

The Stork Fesses Up On Spore Creature Creator

In a David Attinborough presents kind of voice I would like to point out that the secrets behind the Spore Creature Creator have been revealed. That's right. EA have gone for a more organic feel to the creature creation process (As pictured). In breaking news it is said that EA will be adding the song "Ain't Nothing But Mammels" by the Bloodhound Gang to the Spore Creature Creator as a poignant reminder of where baby creatures come from and also as a means to add some mood music to the creative process. Let's face it. Getting it on in this way is all about the ambiance.

In actual fact EA aren't overly happy with people using their Spore Creature Creator to create creatures which are oversized and overcompensating likenesses of their own genitalia. Actually, EA are saying that no one's is as big as theirs, but you aren't allowed to show it to other people. It is being reported that EA are already banning accounts because people are using their software in an inappropriate manner.

I think what it comes down to is would you show it to your mum? If you wouldn't show it to your mum then don't show it to complete strangers. The moral to the story being ... don't post it for other people to see. You are free to do what you would like in the privacy of your own home. EA will collect all of these naughty images and take them to a safe place where they can view them all (in a large room with only their closest friends) and determine if they are offensive. If they are deemed to be offensive then they will remove the offending graphic and add it to their own collection which they can use at their own leisure.

Thanks to Kotaku for the graphic.


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