A New Place for Strange to Hide

Of course, this is a Japanese creation. While there was once a saying, "Only in America," I think this could be changed to "Only in Japan". The Japanese would have to be the most delightfully eccentric place on earth.
The robot's name is EMA which is (of course) an acronym for Eternal Maiden Actualization. The machine will sense that there are people near it and offer them kisses. Just what every geek needs who lives out of home.
Minako Sakanoue, Sega Toys, said, "Strong, tough and battle-ready are some of the words often associated with robots, but we wanted to break that stereotype and provide a robot that's sweet and interactive."Don't get too excited because if you buy this robot dinner you won't be inviting it up for coffee. First base is the limit with this miniature machine. Another down side is that the robot is only 38cm tall. Maybe this could become the replacement deviant machine for those who are fed up with using Jar Jar Binks as a dildo?
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