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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Fallout 3 Banned ... Gaming Has No Meaning Any More

Gamespot are reporting that Fallout 3 has been refused classification in Australia. Gaming websites prefer to use the descriptor banned when referring to this phenomena. The word banned has far more impact on the uneducated. It seems more severe. It evokes a greater emotional impact. Refused classification just doesn't have the same impact but is a more accurate descriptor.

This does not necessarily mean that the game will not be released in Australia. There are no recorded reasons as to why the game has been banned. Some are saying that it is due to the use of morphene in games but this is just speculation. As with GTA IV there was a lot of gossip over the interweb about what would be amended for the the Australian release of the game. As was revealed after GTA IV's release not a whole lot was changed in the game to get it through the Australian censors.

There was a time when I would have said that Fallout 3 not being released in Australia was then end of gaming as I knew it. However, with changes the changes that have been made by Bethesda I am not overly fussed any more about the game's release. Game's which have been passed on to developers other than the original creators generally don't have the same soul as the original games. Call of Duty 3. Command and Conquer.

Fallout 2 is one of my all time favourite games. I am not living with the expectation that Fallout 3 will be the same.


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