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One person's gaming journey, one month at a time. BLOG ENTRIES ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION


Thursday, July 06, 2006

A Good Year for Gaming (Part Two)

Just to continue with some of the games I will be looking out for this year. Hopefully, we can see the implementation of some new physics processing options in game which will help to add to the level of immersion on offer ingame. Of course, there is a new hardware/software development race on to capture this market. Hopefully consumers won't get burnt as they spend their money taking up the new technology.

Spore - Finally a game which looks to have a relatively original concept behind it while offering a range of different gameplay types. While being classified as a simulation type game spore follows the notion of following the characters evolution from a single celled object through to a master species. Apparently the game is going to offer gamers complete character customization with the possibilty of you uploading your character online so that others can implement your character type in to their own game. The game will have different types of gameplay ranging from a "pacman" style of game through to RTS and shooter elements. This game will depend on how well Maxis can bring it all together.

Company of Heroes - The RTS genre really hasn't excited me too much since the release of C&C Generals. Dune and C&C were the games which pioneered the genre and not much has really changed about the game itself since then. Hopefully, Company of Heroes can help to push the RTS in a slightly new direction. While every magazine which looks at a WW2 game says that WW2 is a bit overdone I personally don't care. If the game can bring something new to the gaming table it should be judged on its own merits whether it is set in WW2 or not. Company of Heroes is set to add completely destructable environments to the mix and smart AI. be continued...


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