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Thursday, July 13, 2006

How's Them For Apples

"It's safe to say that a wealthy kid from the suburbs can play 'Grand Theft Auto' without turning to a life of crime, but a poor kid who lives in a neighborhood where people really do shoot cops and steal cars and deal drugs might not be so fortunate. There's almost certainly a child somewhere in the America who is going to be hurt by this game. Maybe his dad is in jail or his big brother is already down on the corner dealing drugs." This is what a republican candidate said in a US sub-committee last month. The funny part about this is that his statement was reported verbatim in Jon Stewart's "The Daily Show".

The Rep. came back to say that "The Daily Show" had misrepresented his statement with these comments, "I regret that Comedy Central's 'Daily Show' portrayed my words the way they did. I believe that gratuitously violent video games are inappropriate for all children. However hard it may be to prove their effect in any given instance, tragedies like the killings at Columbine High School and more recent events closer to home clearly show that children from every neighborhood and income level can and do get into trouble - sometimes quite seriously."

Why don't we have these issues in Australia? We certainly don't have the anti video game media coverage, but we also don't have the saturation of guns in the population either. I always thought that guns didn't kill people, people killed people, but maybe that's just me.

(Report courtesy of


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