The rumour mill on the internet for games is excellent isn't it? It is the place where dreams are made and then quickly snuffed out with a press release. The kind of stuff I like is the leaked information (much like the news for System Shock 3). Another instance of spilled info comes in the form of Far Cry 2. Ubisoft accidently had some information about upcoming game releases leaked when a file was misplaced on the internet (how that happens is beyond me). Apparently the file contained a list of games plus artwork, tech demos and promotional materials for the games. Other games listed include: Assassins Creed, Far Cry 2, Far Cry PSP, Far Cry Wii, Lost, Naruto 360, Open Season, Prince of Persia 4, Rainbow 6: Vegas, Rocky PSP, Splinter Cell Conviction, Surf's Up, Star Wars PSP, Shaun White Snowboarding, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles GBA. Of interest is a game based on the LOST TV Series and Prince of Persia 4.
Another item of interest related to Far Cry is that a movie is in preproduction. The movie is apparently in the hands of German director Ewe Boll (sounds like a pseudonym to me). He is repsonsible for Blood Rayne, Alone In The Dark, A dungeon seige movie (yet to be released) and another game tie in which is in preproduction based on Postal. Who said that specialisation was dead? The good thing is that the Far Cry story line should fit in nicely to the cliched notion of the action hero. Although a Far Cry movie does sound like an opportunity for a film crew to have a nice holiday on an island of paradise for eight weeks or so.
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