New Game Releases - Finally

I certainly won't be buying everyone of those titles. In fact, I only plan on picking up two (maybe 3) of them (Gothic 3 and FEAR Extration Point are the two I will definitely get, Dark Messiah is still a maybe). I enjoyed the Dark Messiah demo, however, I am not a fan of its level based structure and this is the reason why I will be picking up Gothic 3 over Dark Messiah. Gothic 3 offers an environment more like Oblivion. A large open world with the possibility of multiple endings and various ways of playing the game. Dark Messiah is more a lead-you-by-the-nose type of game. As far as I am concerned level based game play will one day be the platform games of the past. A quaint relic of limited hardware requirements of systems which demanded level based play. The sooner it is a part of gaming heritage and not the gaming future the better.
The release schedules of games are definitely not structured to suit the southern hemisphere. The major game releases are generally pushed to the end of the year (Xmas) so that they can capitalise on Xmas present buying. This also falls in line with the winter of the Northern hemisphere, however, this falls in to our summer. Summer is the time when you want to be outside doing stuff rather than inside playing games.
Finally gamers will be able to go to their local gaming shop (and I know you all support the independants and not the major franchises. Not) and be able to stand in front of the new release shelf and be struck with the amount of choice you finally have. It won't last long because in a month or two all of those games will be old hat and you will be waiting for some new games to be released.