Australia a Muslim Country?
"Australia is a Muslim nation, the head of Prime Minister John Howard's Muslim advisory board says.
Dr Ameer Ali claims most Australians practice Muslim values, but the Muslim community is being alienated and disadvantaged by Islamophobia.
"We would like to remain in this country as citizens like everybody else, but with cultural individuality preserved," he said.
Before speaking at a conference on national identity yesterday, Dr Ali said there was no such thing as Australian values.
"When I go abroad, they ask me where do I come from? I say I come from a Muslim country," he said.
"Which country, they say. Australia.
"That's not a Muslim country. Yes, it's a Muslim country.
"So when I come back to Australia, I've been told to respect Australian values and now I am confused.
"Values are universal. Human values - there is no such thing as Australian values."
This was the article in its entirity and I have not added or changed anything in it. As far as I was concerned the inherent values in our legal system were based on Judao-Christian values. Two religions which have been around a lot longer than the Muslim religion. As for Australian values we have a very specific set of values which are unique to our culture. However, such statements will test the nature of our "fair go" attitude because their statements are obviously made with ignorance and an underlying agenda. No wonder there is growing Islamophobia when ignorant people like this make statements as they have which were published in the article. The problem is that political correctness has pushed us in to a position where we cannot call a spade a spade. We are stymied by this need to appease everyone (because that is what political correctness is, the use of language in a way that it does not and cannot offend). The other thing about this is that the Muslim Advisory board is meant to be made up of "moderate muslims". If this is the opinion of a "moderate muslim" what does this tell us about their way of thinking? and should these people be advising the PM?
Anyway, that's my five cents worth. Please discuss.
At 7:41 pm,
Anonymous said…
i think that you are drawing a pretty big bow from this chief
At 9:22 pm,
thecynicalgamer said…
In what way? You could at least be specific.
At 9:32 pm,
Anonymous said…
At least Aussies and other western citizens don't kill people and burn things down when someone says something stupid.x
At 7:45 pm,
Anonymous said…
Being able to publish and comment on this topic certainly is a Australian Value if I could use such a term.
I think too many people who choose or come to Australia to escape a pestilent lifestyle, think they dont need to adjust to a different culture. Sadly the adjustment seems to come from those who have contributed to the lifestyle that has attracted them here in the first place.
At 11:00 am,
Anonymous said…
no wonder there is growing islamaphobia. Every week some 'moderate' saya disparaging remarks on the current australian culture. sure many muslims are not like this, but the rest seem very ignorant. no wonder there is a change in immigratin policy. im a 'moderate' atheist but becoming more and more a 'moderate' islamaphobic. this use of islam to control the ignorant is certainly an issue which has been growing since the early 1900s to present day in its current political structure. seems only making the whole world first world will cure this. ie:education
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