Push The Red Button NOW

The game Defcon is based on the movie War Games with Matthew Broderick and even uses the catchphrase "Do you want to play some chess" from the movie. Defcon is a unique little strategy game of Thermonuclear War which pits superpower against superpower in an all out nuclear attack. The sole object of the game is to create as many civilian casualties as possible with your nuclear strikes while reducing your own casualties. The concept is extremely simple and addictive. The game can be played with up to six players. Players can enter into alliances with each other and then betray their alliance as they try to win the game. Defcon can be played and finished in as quickly as ten minutes and is an excellent time filler.
The concept and interface are extremely simple and is something which Introversion specializes in. They make games which are addictive and well polished. Their games also are extremely cheap to buy and are well worth the money as you will get hours of enjoyment from them.
I don't know how well their tongue in cheek catchphrase for the game will go, which is, "The World's First Genocide 'em up" as I am sure it will offend someone due to its completely unpolitical correctedness. So, let the complaints roll in for their catchphrase as we see those people who don't have any sense of humour complain about something which really is not meant to be offensive.
If you are after a strategy game with a difference or just want to push that shiny red button then download the demo and give Defcon a try. Also, support the small independant software developers. Introversion Software are there to keep the bastards honest.
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