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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Have you got Worms?

The thought of worms brings back memories of childhood and also some sad images of Ralph Wiggum out of the Simpsons. Worms are definitely something that was more of a concern for your parents when you were a kid than an ailment which might require some attention as an adult. Then you have Ralph Wiggum saying, "And, when the doctor said I didn't have worms any more, that was the happiest day of my life." However, when worms is finally released on Xbox Live I am going to say that I am actually happy to have worms. Xbox Live Arcade is excellent although I think some of the games are a little overpriced. Hopefully the 2D version of worms will be coming to Xbox Live Arcade soon.

Xbox Live Arcade has seen some excellent remakes and ports of some classic games, however, it is still a bit lacking for content. It would be good to see some more classic retro games get released, of which, Worms is an all time favourite.

The build up to the release of Worms' release has been drawn out and frustrating. The thing is that as soon as I heard that they were releasing it on arcade I wanted it straight away. Suddenly any sort of wait for this game was going to be too much wait. Unfortunately I am still waiting.

"It's really been a case of the last cycle of production/testing and certification taking much longer than we would have hoped. We know we aren't the only case, but that doesn't ease the frustration" Creative Director of Team 17 Martyn Brown said of the delay in release. "Worms is one of the 'richer' XBLA experiences in that it'll provide hours and hours of repeat play through it's on and offline multiplayer modes. Unfortunately that's meant a hell of a lot of testing and also re-submissions on what we felt were final builds ... We've been working very closely with Microsoft XBLA team on this who are as excited and just as keen to see the game out there and on XBLA but there are procedures to follow before that can be the case." (Quote courtesy of Eurogamer).

I am hoping to introduce my dad to the world of Worms when it gets released on Xbox Live. My old man is a late convert to video games and a die hard Halo fan. Hopefully, I will be able to convince him that having Worms is not all that bad given the right context.

Microsoft have made Wednesday's the day to release a new Xbox Live Arcade game. This concept, from what I have read, has been in response to Nintendo's online retro gaming plans for the Wii. This Wednesday doesn't hail the release of Worms either. It seems I am going to have to wait another week.


  • At 8:11 am, Blogger thecynicalgamer said…

    Apparently, Worms has finally passed Microsoft certification and is ready for release. Unfortunately, we are going to have to wait until Microsoft can fit it in to a slot for release on it's Wednesday schedule. Which sucks, cause I wish they would just release it now. I'll buy it as soon as it comes out.


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