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Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Manifesto of a Fan Boy (or, Fan Boi, if you must)

Love them or hate them, I am so taken with the notion of the “Fan Boy” that I have decided to write them a manifesto. Not that they need one because no one could tell them any differently anyway. Insert your own product name (such as PS3 or Xbox 360) where the manifesto says .

Manifesto of a Fan Boy

I will blindly support [PRODUCT] with such blinkered and fervent love that it could be considered fanaticism. My love of the product stems from a deep seated desire to be more than just an ardent admirer but a loyal, committed and one sided promoter of the product. I will never criticize [PRODUCT] as it is beyond reproach. I will support [PRODUCT] to the point that it will seem that I have made the product with my own hands, using my own sweat and tears, in my own time and for my own profit.

I am like an active arm of [PRODUCT]'s marketing department prepared to shoot down any one who criticizes the product in any way. I will become a forum troll and flame anyone who has a differing point of view or any sort view on a competitor's product.

I am not blind just a loyal and devoted follower who cannot see any other point of view.

I will, on a daily basis, fight the competition at the war front. I will fight them in the forums, in the chat rooms, on game servers, in gaming news. I will fight them where ever they challenge my point of view. I will never surrender.

Do not ask me why I do this because I cannot answer the question. I do not know at what point in time I became brain washed by a company's marketing department. I don't know why it is that I lost all forms of critical thought. Why it is that I find the energy let alone can be bothered to do this every day is beyond me. I don't believe that I will ever be able to regain the possibility of critical thought. When this product dies I will find another to take its place. I need this ardent fanaticism in my life to weed out the shallow and meaningless nature of my existence.

Without [PRODUCT] I am nothing.


  • At 11:11 am, Blogger thecynicalgamer said…

    Fan Boys, it is becoming more common to have "Product Wars" on forums. Xbox and Playstation are a good example. People will venture in to a forum and start flaming others because they like a different product. Ultimately what it does is to stifle discussion.

    I think people must be getting a bit sick of it in forums.


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