EA Create New Game Naming Convention

The implementation of AI in the game is so poor that, at times, you may not think that there actually is any. While EA have been the pioneers at charging full price for their annual updates of their sports games it seems that their grip on the first person genre is failing (that is if they ever really had a grip).
Look out too for the indestructible witches hats. That's right, those pesky traffic cones which you cannot even drive over in a tank. It seems that while the environments in game are semi-destructible the traffic cones are indestructible. Nice touch. I am sure this is just to keep all gamers on their toes. Wouldn't want to let anyone steal the traffic cone after a wild night out.
Once again, well done EA. Excellent job.
Look out for future games releases which will implement this naming convention. "Company In Crysis" this is where the executives at EA are hunted down on a lonely pacific island by angry gamers. "We Charge You More For Sports" The all in one monthly sports update where EA start releasing monthly updates to their sports games where you have to pay full price to play.
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