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Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Blogs As a Source of Information

It seems that blogs are a useful device for companies to use as a means of providing information which they would prefer not to use the traditional "press release" channels for. Microsoft's handling of the Xbox Live Account theft debacle is not to deny that it has happened, but to limit the release of information so that not all people have access to it. They have not used the traditional news channels in order to say, "Well, yep we made a mistake" but the General Nelson blog as a means of information dissemination. The General Nelson blog is written by the Xbox Live programmer and the article was more written in defense of the fact that their hardware had not been compromised, it was a human error. That's lucky. Either way there shouldn't have been an error to start with.

As far as I am concerned the easiest way to stop people changing other people's passwords over the phone and accessing their accounts is to send an email to the email address and let the person who subscribed change it online. That way the person holding the email account actually has to change the password themselves. Simple.

The interesting thing is how a commerical blog (or a blog related to a commercial entity) is being used to disseminate information. Blog's are not just a novelty any more but a legitimate source of news, or, a legitimate means for corporations to release the information they want people to read. While this may not be good news for my blog (with the lack of exlcusive content) it is good to see that people get their news from a variety of places.


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