One Size Fits All
It amazes me how in this modern world of consumer choice we have so few choices that we can actually make. Ford or Holden. Apple or Microsoft (Linux is not a choice any sane gamer would make). We live in a democracy which is meant to empower us with political choice, but those choices are confined to the two party preferred system of government. Meaning we ultimately have the choice of one or the other. When it comes to controllers for consoles we have, well I wouldn't call one choice a choice, virtually no choice. It is a matter of one size fits all.
I was one of the few people who were a fan of the original Xbox controller. There is a reason for this. I am not 12. My hands are fully grown and my fingers are probably longer than most. I enjoyed the comfort of playing a console without getting hand cramp 20 minutes in to game play. Unfortunately the Playstation controller is not very well contoured and too small. If I was a child then I am sure the Playstation controller would be more comfortable, but unfortunately, like most average gamers I am well beyond my pubescent years.
Why is it that we don't have any choice of controller? Considering most people would spend longer than ten or fifteen minutes playing a game and we can play it on our choice of couch, sofa, or easy chair why can't we have a controller which fits comfortably? Unfortunately, those who make the consoles have a one size fits all policy to cater for every single market in the world. I don't believe that any other consumer product which is about fit forces consumers to wear the wrong size. How would it be if we all wore the same sized pants? The world would be a funny place. So, why is it that, as gamers, we have to put up with a one size fits all policy for controllers when they don't.
Is it that the manufacturers of these devices don't want to put any more thought (or Research and Development dollars) in to create greater product choice and comfort for their consumers? Or, that they actually believe that one size of controller fits all? If they believe in the later then maybe they don't spend much time actually using the product that they develop because, I am sure, that they would have to be as uncomfortable as I get when I use these devices for extended periods of time.
At 2:20 pm,
Anonymous said…
i wouldn't even think of apple for any type of gamer, let alone a serious one. at least linux is more developer frienldy and thus easier to make compatability mods (at least imo). personally i dual boot mandrake and xp.
i only have old xbox contollers, i don't like the small ones either.
At 2:44 pm,
thecynicalgamer said…
I wouldn't consider Apple as a serious option for gamers either. Apple would try to tell you they were an option.
I wish Linux was an option for gamers. To have a free operating system which catered for the needs of gamers would be ideal, unfortunately, it is not a reality (damned reality).
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