Mondays are the slowest gaming news day of the week in Australia for one very simple reason, it is Sunday for the rest of the world. While we wake up in the morning and celebrate the notion of pulling a Monday morning sickie (a well practiced pursuit in Australia) the rest of the world is dealing with the end of Sunday. What that means is that there are practically no press releases. Nothing important is ever announced on Sunday. So, gamers go through Monday with not only a hang over from the weekend but a hang over from gaming news as well. As for gaming websites they too are generally having a vacation and resting when Australians are going back to work. What does it mean for gamers when you go to work on Monday, you have the internet on your work PC, you have ALT-TAB lined up with your fingers in case your boss walks in and no gaming news to read? Nothing to hide from. No information. Nothing. This helps to make Monday the longest day of the week. At least on Tuesday there is some gaming news filtering out. Generally games are released in Australia on Thursday so Wednesdays are spent in anticipation. Thursdays are where you spend your lunch break traveling to the local games store to purchase said new release game and then the rest of the afternoon secretly reading the games manual at your desk. Friday is when you pull the sickie to recover from your all-night gaming session on Thursday night. The weekends are for 48 hours of online play. Which leaves lonely old Monday with nothing.
Oh well. What can you do?
At 6:51 pm,
Anonymous said…
That's why you need to have something to look forward to on Mondays. Take up Poker or go racing at
Then you actually look forward to Mondays instead of dreading them.
As of next Monday, I'm giving up my Monday Night Racing, but the NRL has come to the party and put on Monday Night Football. Now I just need to go and get that Panasonic 50" HD Plasma that I've been wanting for a while.
At 7:29 pm,
thecynicalgamer said…
I can't believe you will be stopping Monday Night Racing. What's going on?
Although it will be a couple of years straight that you have been doing it.
At 8:22 pm,
Anonymous said…
To tell the truth mate, I just don't feel like doing it anymore. I will miss the guys. I've made many good friends (although I haven't met them) through MNR, including yourself and Basha. I am picking up an extra night of poker and dropping the racing. I'm currently leading the venue I'm playing now with two weeks to go, I can snare $1000.
As for gaming, I've got the Wii, and I've been playing Excite Truck to death. It is such a fun and addictive game. I'm planning on playing more console games with my son and less pc games, including LFS. The shopping list is quite extensive though. First the Plasma, then the Xbox360 then the PS3. Over the next 12 months I should have the list complete. :)
At 9:30 pm,
thecynicalgamer said…
I am on the way to the regional finals in Australian Poker League. Top 100 in the region go through. This is the first week of April. It is a frustrating game.
It is good to spend time with your son. You'll only get that time once. And playing console games is good too.
I still miss MNR, but I am too much of a perfectionist and too hard on myself (much the same with poker). It becomes too frustrating for me and the enjoyment factor goes.
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