Developer Looking For Online Distribution System Named Gabe

Older games developer looking for a younger online distribution system. The developer is experienced with a number of solid titles already in our back catalogue, including a range of established franchises such as Hitman, Thief and Tomb Raider. We are not overly concerned about the end user. In fact, as long as they cough up the dough for our product we don't particularly care how it gets delivered to them. Even if the online distribution system is frustrating and intrusive. In fact, it is probably better that the distribution system is frustrating and intrusive because the customer will be using our business name and swearing at us which provides top of mind advertising for our company for free.
We are looking to settle in to a long term relationship with an established online delivery system. Experience is important, but the experience the customer has with the online delivery system is not. The customer pays up front don't they?
We do not care that customer's who do not have the internet will not be able to play our games (ala Half Life 2). What backward people playing games do not have the internet? In fact, it would better suit us if the customer paid for the product and then couldn't use the product because they will not be able to criticize it.
Please enquire within. Am willing to pay for dinner (but if your name is Gabe Newell we might go all the way) however overnight accomodation will have to be negotiated.
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