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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Test Drive: Unlimited

Let me just say that I am not a fan of the Test Drive franchise. Let me rephrase that. I was not a fan of the Test Drive franchise up until now. I picked up Test Drive Unlimited on Friday (hence the trip to EB) and have been completely hooked on this game ever since.

It is not a racing/driving sim, by a long shot, but it is good fun. They have basically mapped an island of Hawaii with over 1000 miles of roads and made a game. The draw distance is excellent. The good thing is that as you drive around there is a lot of AI traffic.

Let me just say that there are a few flaws with this game, such as at times completely stupid AI and roads which aren't completely contoured to the map. It is still great fun. You have a variety of different types of driving missions you can do. Whether it be to transport a model a couple of k's or to transport someones vehicle or, of course, to race. As you drive around if you have Xbox Live there are also other people driving around as well. You can instantly set up online races or just follow someone around the map.

It is an excellent concept. I hope it takes off as the amount of time you can just spend driving around the island is phenomenal.


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